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Taro: Synopsis David Cronenberg, a filmmaker with a peerless grasp on the mysteries of the mind and the body, turns his attention to a seminal chapter in the founding of psychoanalysis. Adapted from Christopher Hampton’s play A Talking Cure, A Dangerous Method charts the relationship between Sigmund Freud (Viggo Mortensen) and his protégé turned dissenter Carl Jung (Michael Fassbender), as it was shaped by the case of Sabine Spielrein (Keira Knightley), a young Russian Jewish patient of Jung’s. Cronenberg brilliantly dramatizes not just the rivalry and rupture between two pioneers who defined a field but also the birth of their groundbreaking theories of the unconscious and the forces of Eros and Thanatos. Featuring an electrifying trio of lead actors, who turn near-mythic figures into flesh and blood, this is a film of tremendous vigor and ambition, a historical drama that brings ideas to life. –NYFF http://mubi.com/films/a-dangerous-method

Taro: NYFF 2011. David Cronenberg's "A Dangerous Method" Written by David Hudson Published on 05 October 2011 "Repression runs rampant in A Dangerous Method, with sexual and romantic desires subsumed beneath societal and ethical constructs in a manner echoed by David Cronenberg's expertly composed direction," begins Nick Schager in Slant. "For his tale of the intellectual relationship — and, later, battle — between Carl Jung (Michael Fassbender) and his idol/mentor Sigmund Freud (Viggo Mortensen), Cronenberg employs a cool, refined period-décor formalism, his camera movements as deliberate as his characters' external appearances are polished and restrained, and yet his placement of figures within his frame — always slyly conveying their shifting dominator/subjugated dynamics — boast the same electric charge as his subjects' roiling thoughts and passions. Despite its turn-of-the-century setting and visual/tonal modesty, however, Cronenberg's focus remains, as always, on issues of mind/body invasion, corruption, and rebirth, which here revolves around Jung's increasingly knotty relationship with patient Sabina Spielrein (Keira Knightley), who, over the course of the next decade, eventually takes Jung into her bed before finding herself inadvertently in the middle of his war with Freud." Stephen Holden in the New York Times: "Adapted by Christopher Hampton from his stage play The Talking Cure, which was based on John Kerr's book, A Most Dangerous Method, it is a talky movie that largely transcends its stage origins because the moral and ethical disagreements between the two are so clearly laid out. And Keira Knightley's portrayal of Sabina Spielrein, a kinky, initially demented patient who becomes Jung's mistress and, later, a psychoanalyst, gives the movie a searing emotional spark." "Sabina is the true lead of the movie: its conscience, its brain, its heart, and its tempting body," writes Dan Callahan for Fandor. "Fassbender has the most difficult of the three roles because he has to play straight man in some scenes, then suggest Jung’s ambiguous feelings for Sabina and finally his undying love for her. He doesn’t always succeed…. Words, though, can barely express just how wonderful Mortensen is as Freud, except to say that this is a truly Brando-like performance in its serene amusement and its subtle habitation of a lofty, intractable man. Look especially at the moments when the cash-strapped Freud tries not to be bothered by Jung’s financial security. Most actors would be tempted to signal Freud’s unrest to get easy laughs, but Mortensen doesn’t show the indicated unrest at all. He just allows Freud to feel it behind a stony face and lets us provide the particulars of this joke." "Fassbender and Mortensen embody all the entitlements of their influence, each doing smart work against the other's buttoned-down, tobacco-huffing academe," writes Movieline's ST VanAirsdale. "But they can only stand back as Knightley takes over, Jung's admitted 'catalyst' who sparks everything from revolutionary advancements on his 'talking cure' (which is basically just him sitting behind Spielrein as she juts, jolts and contorts the contents of her soul upon admittance to his university's hysteria clinic) to eye-popping, bodice-ripping, ass-whipping kink. 'It's a lot of acting — maybe not good acting — but it sure gets the point across,' my colleague Stephanie Zacharek wrote following Method's Venice Film Festival premiere. Indeed, it's insufferable in the early going, which also — not coincidentally, for the filmmaker whose canon is synonymous with the phrase 'body-horror' — happens to be Cronenberg's most visually adventurous span, experimenting with depth of field in rich, deep slate- and molasses-hued interiors." "Cronenberg deftly layers A Dangerous Method with complex sociopolitical explanations explaining the difficult paternal relationship Freud has with Jung, and the ways Jung rebels against it," writes Tony Dayoub. "For example, when the two board an ocean liner on a lecture tour to America, class distinctions become apparent when Freud realizes Jung booked a private stateroom for himself while he must share a lower cabin with one of his assistants. Jung is ignorant that this incident might be the underlying reason Freud snidely refuses to share one of his dreams with him after Jung has done the same. 'If I share it with you,' Freud says, 'I might lose my authority.' There is also the matter of the growing climate of anti-semitism in early 20th-Century Europe, which manifests itself in different ways between the three lead characters. Freud is hyperconscious of the fact that he is Jewish, and that much of the criticism his theories have received is a disguised form of bigotry. The Aryan Jung is oblivious to that and the fact that Spielrein, and subsequent women he conducts affairs with, are Jewish women which, being patients of his, are in a position subservient to him. The rupture between Jung and Freud, and Jung's abrupt break-up with Spielrein, could easily be reframed as that of the aristocratic Jung retreating from very public relationships with two Jews in an era where German nationalism was beginning to take root." Salon's Andrew O'Hehir met Knightley in Toronto, where she "talked fluently about the history of psychoanalysis, Wagner's Ring Cycle, masturbation and the ethics of filming a spanking scene." Earlier: Daniel Kasman from Venice and more reviews from Venice, Telluride and Toronto, making for a pretty large roundup. Updates: "Les bon temps at the NYFF could not possibly roule forever, and on Tuesday they hit a brick wall named Keira Knightley. Not since Nicolas Cage and his adenoids damn near ruined Peggy Sue Got Married has the Siren witnessed a movie so heavily damaged by a lead performance." Viewing (1'56"). Cronenberg tells the NYT's Mekado Murphy about implementing the source material. "The restraint of each scene shows the discipline of a filmmaker who is absolutely at his peak," finds Miriam Bale at the L. http://mubi.com/notebook/posts/nyff-2011-david-cronenbergs-a-dangerous-method

Rita-chka-1: А где медицинская? Наташа удалила)))

Taro: Жаль-прелестная темка-Вигго и колоноскопия..

Natalie: Я перенесла все в новую тему "Из письма Фабиану". Харе уже флудить во всех темах подряд

Taro: Viggo Mortensen, Isabelle Huppert and director Luc Besson among the VIPs set to attend the Swedish festival. COLOGNE, Germany – British spy film Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy from Swedish director Tomas Alfredson will open the 22nd Stockholm International Film Festival (Nov. 9 - 20) while the fest will close with Pedro Almodovar’s horror thriller The Skin I Live In. Scandinavian directors will have a more prominent place than usual in this year’s lineup, with L.A. noir drama Drive from Denmark’s Nicolas Winding Refn; Swedish period drama Simon and the Oaks from Lisa Ohlin and Joachim Trier’s Cannes entry Oslo, 31 August among the more prominent titles screening. American indie director Whit Stillman will chair the festival jury and will present his latest, Damsels in Distress in an out of competition screening. The drama is Stillman’s first film since his acclaimed The Last Days of Disco in 1998. Among the VIPs heading to Stockholm this year are French actress Isabelle Huppert, who will receive a lifetime achievement award; Mexican helmer Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, the recipient of this year’s Visionary Award; actor Viggo Mortensen, attending to screen David Cronenberg’s A Dangerous Method and French director Luc Besson, who will screen his Aung San Suu Kyi biopic The Lady. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/tinker-tailor-soldier-spy-open-250635

Taro: Abu Dhabi Film Festival’s Guests and Featured Films Two big names may be added to the list; Viggo Mortensen has just made this film called A Dangerous Method where he plays Sigmund Freud and Woody Harrelson has just given the performance of his life in a film called Rampart. Scarlet hinted in a recent press conference “Both films are showing this year and I think both actors will be getting a lot of awards. There is a good chance we will be seeing them in Abu Dhabi." http://entertainment.anayou.com/movies/news/showsandlaunches/41021

Taro: Hollywood Movie Draft Pitch III: Untitled Sci-Fi by Duncan Jones Viggo Mortensen is Bhumi’s Commander in Chief Damien and the film’s main villain. He’s the leader of the alien beings who are highly-intelligent and has shape-shifting abilities. Damien has the appearance of a man in his late 40s, charismatic with a quiet grace but is relentlessly ambitious to create a perfect ‘breed’ between his own kind and the ‘best’ of the human race. http://flixchatter.net/2011/06/06/hollywood-movie-draft-pitch-iii-untitled-sci-fi-by-duncan-jones/

Rita-chka-1: Вот это пассаж!

Тэсс: Зачем ему это нужно??? (это к вопросу, что же еще кинематограф может ему предложить и куда двигаться дальше )

corall: Девочки, ну уж не забывайте про нешибко грамотных, вкратце переведите, что там о роли Вигго в голливудском проекте. И почему ему это не нужно? Пожалуйста.

Tinavi: Понимаешь, после всех наших рассказов про неучастие в мейнстриме, получена информация, что Вигго снимется в роли командира отряда пришельцев, который вторгается... Ох, уж не мейнстрим ли?!!!

Rita-chka-1: Нарочно не придумаешь! Еще и сайнс-фикшн ... Поговорили!

corall: А для разнообразия и неплохо бы вроде. Да и денежками от подобного проекта (коммерческого однозначно) отчётливо попахивает.

Тэсс: Деньги, деньги... кончаются...а жизнь сама подбрасывает что-нибудь новенькое...так и живет Неужели на горизонте выпуск новых альбомов/книг?

Taro: Мне интересно,что нужно делать,что б у него закончились деньги??Скорее просто нечто необычное для его карьеры??

corall: Главное, что нам опять будет чего ждать! Похоже, что-то вроде Арагорна, близкий к совершенству персонаж. Или я неправильно поняла?

Tinavi: Мне кажется, бригадир пришельцев может быть всяким))

Imagine: §І§Ц§и§Ц§Я§Щ§Ъ§с §Я§С "§°§б§С§г§Я§н§Ы §Ю§Ц§д§а§Х" §г§Ь§а§б§Ъ§в§а§У§С§Я§Я§С§с §г §г§С§Ы§д§С §-§а§Я§Х§а§Я§г§Ь§а§Ф§а §ж§Ц§г§д§Ъ§У§С§Э§с, §Ф§Х§Ц §г§Ц§Ф§а§Х§Я§с, §ж§С§Ь§д§Ъ§й§Ц§г§Ь§Ъ §ґ§°§-§ѕ§¬§° §№§ґ§° §Т§н§Э §б§а§Ь§С§Щ§С§Я "§°§б§С§г§Я§н§Ы §Ю§Ц§д§а§Х" §У §Ь§Ъ§Я§а§д§Ц§С§д§в§Ц §°§Х§Ц§а§Я §Ј§Ц§г§д §ї§Я§Х 2. §©§С§У§д§в§С §Х§Я§Ч§Ю §У 14-45 §ж§Ъ§Э§о§Ю §Т§е§Х§Ц§д §б§а§Ь§С§Щ§С§Я §Ц§л§Ч §в§С§Щ - §У §Ь§Ъ§Я§а§д§Ц§С§д§в§Ц Vue Screen 5. Ў°Sigmund Freud (Mortensen), Carl Gustav Jung (Fassbender) and the largely forgotten Jewish-Russian psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein (Knightley) form a mЁ¦nage Ё¤ trois of many dimensions in CronenbergЎЇs masterly period piece, which sets out to uncover the historical and philosophical backbone of modernity, not to mention the core of human natureЎ- Ў°For all the meticulous historical framing, CronenbergЎЇs exploration of the irrational, and of psychoanalysis as the radical turning point in the history of the mind, offers all kinds of joyful and painful transfers into the world (and body) we live in. ThereЎЇs something awesome about the delicate yet utterly open way Jung, his wife (Sarah Gadon, blissful) and his patient/mistress/true love/analyst Spielrein handle the rise and dismantling of relationships. Ў°The same holds true for the triangle between Jung, Spielrein and Freud, played out on the writing grounds of psychoanalytical theory. ItЎЇs a relief to return to a time when dignity and graceful manners were not considered incompatible with (to use our vocabulary) Ў®hardcoreЎЇ sex. Ў°Even more comforting is the fact that the portrayal of Spielrein as the only character with credibility in bed and in psychoanalysis (as opposed to JungЎЇs esoteric erring and FreudЎЇs asexual existence) makes A Dangerous Method that rarity, a film with a charming feminist touch.Ў± ЎЄ Barbara Wurm, reviewing from Venice on this website

Imagine: В предыдущем посте я написала, что на Лондонском фестивале , фактически только что быдл показан "Опасный метод". Второй показ - завтра в 14-45. Отчего-то сайт закодировал это сообщение... Наверное, Скотланд ярд вмешался, не иначе.

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